Saturday, March 5, 2011


RemindThis is an alternative to bookmarking. Through this service, you will be able to have notifications put your way, reminding you to visit a site that you saw just once.
You may ask how would this site help a teacher? Easy! Imagine doing lesson plans and you are trying to revamp what you’ve already done. Our district would like us to incorporate more technology into our lessons. A quick and easy way to accomplish that is of course through the Internet. One issue I’ve always had is finding sites that I went to once but then I never find them again. But now thanks to RemindThis no longer will I wonder where that awesome site went?  Using this tool will allow me to increase student retention and make lessons more interesting for my audience. A site like YouTube and Facebook can now be quick links without permanently bookmarking them to your computer memory.
Teachers have a lot that we have to keep up with this will allow us to plan efficiently and effectively and also will serve as a reference point for future lessons.
1)   Click on following link:
2)   Click on following image 
3)   The widget is now installed on your computer. Begin to surf.

This program was originally created for website or business owners to increase traffic to their sites but for a teacher its pure bliss. So if you would like to keep track of where you’ve been so you can you can have great lesson plans! Good luck and happy surfing!

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