Sharol Caw
Target audience: 7th grade Texas History Students ages 11-13
Materials: Computer, steady Internet connection, wikispaces account, some prior knowledge of Texas/ U.S. History
Objective: For pre-ap students to be paired with non pre-ap students to assist each other in reviewing for summative formative and end of year final.This would assist students to take their learning from an understanding and knowledge level to the analysis & synthesis levels because they will be creating, answering, & assessing each others questions & thought processes.
Procedure: 1. Rosters from pre-ap & non pre-ap classes will be divided up.
2. Students will choose partners at random.
3. Students will create a wikispaces account that will be monitored by teacher.
4. Pre-ap students will pose questions via their teacher’s blog that non pre-ap students will answer & vice versa. These questions will be discussed in class to assist in the review process. Students will also create an Internet scavenger hunt in order to help each other learn, re teach, or review needed items for the approaching tests.
Web 2.0 Tool: Wikispaces: This is an online 2.0 web tool that allows users to create products that can be shared with anyone who accesses their site. Also those who are on the site can make changes to the products that have been produced.
Social Participation/ Social Learning: Students get to interact with students that they would not otherwise be paired with due to their different schedules. This would allow students dictate their level of learning. Their interaction would be via Wikispaces. It would not be a face to face encounter more of an online tutorial in a safe place where they can pose questions & receive answers to prepare for upcoming tests.
Making connections: Students would be able to fill in gaps in learning for each other by going back and touching base with items already covered in class and connecting them to items they will need in 8th grade history. This action would be done via wikispaces on the blog provided there for students.
Create/ produce: End of year review
Assessment: Students have previously taken several common and formative assessments. Upon completing the interactive review I will assess them 1st with a verbal questioning session and secondly with the district summative assessment and our year end final test.