Sunday, October 23, 2011

Response to Alonzo

My reply-
These chapters really could create a possibility of world peace if people just followed what was being said. In chapter 9 I truly was inspired by how students that others said wouldn't get it or appreciate it, GOT IT! Just because one person saw that things are done better in person. I almost wish that this book could be distributed at every United Nations meeting in every language, to all diplomats and individuals that make life altering decisions for common people. Possibly if they read, absorbed it, and applied it maybe just maybe things could or would change.

Original Post-
This week’s reading continues with chapters 5-8 of “The Art of Possibility” by Zander, R. and Zander, B. Chapter nine was entitled, “Lighting a Spark”. This chapter showed how we can inspire in those around us, action, creative expression, and contribution. Chapter ten, “Being the Board”, spoke of simply how we should all be 100% responsible for how things are going. Next was chapter eleven, “Creating Frameworks and Possibility”. This chapter gave me the idea of how we put this practice into reality, in the type of “world” we may live in so that we can make a difference. Lastly is chapter twelve, “Telling the WE Story”. This chapter speaks of how finally by coming from a “we” type of partnership. We can create a bridge that unites all divisions and people as one. This could be a real possibility for world peace from this point of view.

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